Tuesday, January 25, 2011

From My Journal

Some things the Lord, in His mercy, has quickened to me over the past few days:


I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now life in the flesh, I live by the faith of the Son of God, who loved me, and gave Himself for me.-Galatians 2:20


Hebrews 9 revelation: Moses used to make the remission of sins in the physical way, sprinkling the people, tabernacle and vessels of ministry with the blood of calves and goats, water, scarlet wool and hyssop sprinkled the book, the covenant, so this is the picture physically of what would happen.  But this could not purge the conscience, like the spiritual sacrifice, in heaven.  In heaven this same ceremony must take place, the shedding of blood, The better sacrifice.  Christ did not enter the earthly holy place as Moses did, BUT, the real thing Moses was representing in heaven Christ became the Lamb of God in order to purge and cleanse us.  He appears in heaven before God FOR US!  He became man so a man can appear before Him, only a perfect man could do it.  Only Christ come from heaven to make the perfect Sacrifice once and for all!  Moses was a shadow of things to come!  Thank You Jesus Christ for being the perfect Lamb of God!  For bearing out griefs and sins and scars even now.  

The blood of goats and calves could do it before because they are of the earth life we are.  But they had to be offered over and over again, never cleansing the conscience of sin.  So to make an end of all sin once and for all it takes something earthly like we are, like the priest was so he could understand our infirmities, yet also something perfect and holy who held eternal life.  This takes being an eternal being as well.  No other one was qualified or is to take away sins but Christ our Lord who became both man and IS GOD!


Romans 5:19 By the obedience of one shall many be made righteous:  This is speaking of Christ but... so much truth in obedience to God many come to righteousness, salvation.  A sister in the Lord I know submitted to the authority that God had set over her for her protection, even though she didn't understand why.  She just submitted unto the Lord in this, and as a result her best friend was saved at the same moment in time.  Completely separate from her, she didn't even know it until days later and she realized this was the moment she submitted to the Lord in a certain area of her life.  After we submit to Christ's authority He puts over us, righteousness springs forth!  Life springs from that!  He is so faithful!


Seeing God produce fruit inwardly is a joy(because it's not me!):  I see the grace of God work through me because He is truly the author of my faith.  I had this written in my journal this day:"When I sin it is like automatic for my heart and soul to be at rest saying, wash me in the g blood, Jesus.  I am sensitive to sins I had not even seen before, I can see my flesh is very Pharisaical by nature.  It's terrible and wicked, and I can repent continually BY the GRACE of God.   I have such a joy in being with my brothers and sisters in the Lord, also by the grace of God!!  I want to do anything they ask of me, anything I can for them just as He said would happen as a child of God, laying down your life for one another in 1 John!  Last thing the Lord is showing me about this new heart He has given me, I have a love and desire to come under my husband, to let him be my covering.  Haha, this is in total opposition of the flesh who wants to rule over him (Gen 3:16).  Submitting to him is my delight, though my flesh rebels, walking in the Spirit I can put this flesh to death and I joy in submitting.  I can boast in my weaknesses because He is the strength of my heart!!

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