Sunday, January 2, 2011

We Are In Texas

We had a winter blizzard when we first began to leave New Mexico for our trip to Texas.  But as soon as we started to drive it cleared quite quickly.  Then about a half an hour later it started snowing again, and hard.  After about two hours of driving in the snow, I won't say how bad it was because mom's and best friends read this :P, haha, but anyways after two hours we could see where the storm clouds began to meet sunny skies.  We beat the storm and sped right out of it.  Then we had clear sunny skies, dry roads.  We stopped a little while after to get some food, but couldn't stop too long because the storm was coming our way still.  The winds were so hard coming at us that we thought the car was going to blow over.  We opened McDonalds door and it slammed so hard shut behind us due to the winds that we literally thought that it would blow off the hinges, and everyone in the entire place looked up at us.  Haha.  It wasn't us!  Finally we got back on the road for some killer tumbleweeds and flat land.  It is impossible to dodge these tumbleweeds, they seriously look like they are thrown right at your car.  So we took a lot of hits, which isn't a big deal, they are pretty harmless unless they get up under your car.  The winds were still extreme pretty much more than half the way, with just flat farm lands surrounding us.  Just a pretty straight, flat ride for the most part.  We stopped at a hotel about an hour from our new apartment, exhausted.  It was a Holiday Inn express but it was really nice, he upgraded us to a sweet for free he said because they had a lot of open rooms!  Sweet!  At first we couldn't get our keys to work to the hotel room, so we went back down to the front desk clerk three times haha.  Finally he just asked if he could come up to help us and he got it right open, we felt like idiots!  Oh well, we were in a nice warm room with a shower and huge bed, we didn't care.  Mom offered to pay for a hotel so that we weren't driving over night or anything.  In the morning we headed out pretty early to get to the apartment and signed on our first apartment together!! Pretty exciting, we are finally grown up, it's official!  (I hope so considering we have a baby on the way!)  Oh, Mason enjoyed the car ride, he kicked the entire way, every minute and more at some points, I think because it was the first time in his little womb-life that I was sitting still for more than a few minutes at a time, he didn't know what to do with himself, so he kicked and punched and covered the entirety of my tummy and ribs with moves.  I think he may have been doing karate in there, not sure.      

So we made it to Texas!  Woohoo!!!  After much prayer!  Thank You Lord for getting us here safely!!!  Let me list some things that I love here... I love driving here!!!  The roads are actually organized and people aren't trying to hit you every time you leave your apartment, it's wonderful!  lol (You may understand this excitement if you have driven in New Mexico but maybe not if you have lived there your whole life. Just the consensus I found there.)  Lets see, our apartment is so beautiful!!  It is one bedroom, BUT it is a lot bigger than our last one!  Also it has washer and dryer, we actually have a dining room (we didn't have one before).  Our bedroom is a lot bigger, one walk in closet (mine hehe) and then another smaller one (Jordan's) yes I am spoiled by my husband.  Our kitchen is a lot bigger, much more cupboard space, more storage in the whole aparment, and it has a fireplace :).  And our rent is 120 dollars cheaper here with not three different places to call but only electric since the water and the rest is done by our apartment.  We have been so blessed by the Lord, not expecting all of these blessings He comes up with.   

The landscape is actually much like what I am used to in Michigan.  There are lots of trees, grass, hills(not everywhere in Texas is like this, but where we are is) and the homes are exactly like in Michigan with brick and etc.  It is nice, very nice.  It is a little cool here since we are here during their "cold" months, but not compared to where I have been.  

Enough about all of that.  Our new friends are amazing(Jordan's friends that I am just meeting).  The first day we got here some of the girls went grocery shopping and brought us more than fifteen bags of groceries, stocking up the fridge, freezer and cupboards :).  I have never had anyone do this for me in my life, I was so shocked and excited!  What a blessing.  One of the brothers helped us out by picking up our mattress with his truck so we didn't have to sleep on the floor.  That night we went over to Ryan and Joy's house to sing hymns and fellowship, I am really just getting to know everyone.  The more I get to know them the more I love all of them.  They are amazing, full of the love of God and joy.  It is hard to put all of it into words I am just overwhelmed by how much of a blessing it is to be here.  And a peace that I know we are in the perfect will of God by being here, how wonderful.  I am very hopeful for how much we will learn here, how much we will grow and get to know the Lord more intimately as well as bring our baby up doing the same, in the Lord's protection.  

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