Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Were You Saved? Were You Born Again?

I know the Lord quickens verses and you are moved at times, God bringing you to Himself, but was it salvation?  Were you changed?  Were you born again at that moment?  Were you born again at any moment that you can remember?  The moment you were granted faith to believe that Jesus shed His blood for YOU?  That every Word of God is living and it was all written specifically for YOU?  When did He become REAL to you?  Did you ever seek for Him with all your heart and keep seeking, seeking, knocking until He came?  Did you seek for Him to confirm you?  Were you given true faith to believe?  Does your spirit testify with His Spirit you are His?  (Romans 8:16; Galatians 4:6)  

There is a growing belief in our churches today that says if you say a prayer, have a spiritual experience, or feel a "peace" then you are saved.  Why does the gate seem so wide, not narrow, not difficult as the bible says it will be?  (Matthew 7:13-14)  Many say a prayer, go to church, do ministry, but it's more of a social club.  Their lives remain unchanged though they claim Christ now. (Matthew 7:21-23)

There are many who have said a prayer and taken the assurance from a pastor, teacher, friend, or family member that they are saved, all the while never receiving the assurance from God.  If you are saved you will be able to assure your heart before Him.  (1 John 3:19)  And if you cannot, if your heart condemns you He is greater than your heart, how much more will He condemn you?  If God has saved you, isn't He capable of confirming you as well?  But instead when anyone doubts their salvation they go to men instead of humbling their hearts and life before God and seeking Him for assurance they are His.  (Hebrews 10:22)  Seek Him with your whole heart.  (2 Chronicles 15:4; Deuteronomy 4:28-31) This will mean asking Him to show you sins.  It is inevitable when you seek Him in truth He will show you sin, because He is holy and this is what separates us from Him, our sin.  (Isaiah 59:2)  There may be many you didn't even see, but His Spirit will show you if you ask.  If you step into the Light, because He is light, He exposes all sin, the heart.  If He shows you the sins then you have the chance to agree with Him about your sin, to be broken over sin and humble yourself before Him.  (James 4:6)  If He shows you this then you can be free.  Does your heart condemn you before God? (1 John 3:20-21)

If you think He does not condemn you, if you say "I am saved", do you have fruit?  (Matthew 7:16-19)  You shall know by the fruit.   Every tree that does not bear good fruit, that being bad fruit or no fruit he will be cast into the fire.  Examine yourself, ask God to examine you, see if your heart or He condemns or assures you, this is biblical and God honors this.  He will either confirm you and you can rejoice or He will convict you of the truth and then you can seek Him for faith and grace and granting of repentance, this is honorable to Him as well.  (Psalm 26:2; 2 Corinthians 13:5, Psalm 25:5)Have you ever been lost?  (Matthew 18:11; 1 Timothy 1:15; Romans 3:12; Matthew 19:17) or have you "always" been saved?  Have you been granted repentance? (Matthew 9:13; Luke 3:3; Luke 5:32)  Do you love the brethren?  (1 John 3:4)  Do you love the lost? (Matthew 5:44, Romans 10:1)  Do you love reproof?  (Proverbs 15:31, Proverbs 10:8)  Do you keep His commandments that He gives to you specifically in your walk with Him? (1 John 5:2)  Has He quickened His Word to you and does He do this most days, giving you your manna for the day as He says He will?  (Psalm 119:107, Romans 8:11)  Do you delight in and love the Word of God?  (Psalm 1:2)  Have you and are you convicted of sin?  (John 16:8)  Have you seen the wickedness of your sin or is it not that bad to you?  (2 Chronicles 7:14; Jeremiah 17:9; Psalm 32:5; 1 John 1:9; James 5:16)  Have you suffered persecution? (2 Timothy 3:12)  Do you hate your life?  (Luke 14:26,33)  Have you denied yourself?  Do you deny yourself?  (Matthew 16:24; Luke 14:27)  Have you died?  (Colossians 3:3)

This is difficult to swallow, but search the verses, search the Scriptures.  I believe this to be the true Gospel, not the "gospel" in the churches today but biblical Christianity, when one is born again, truly.  Why would I ask all of this?  How do I know?  From experience and from reading the Scriptures plainly, humbly and honestly.  In the next post I will post my testimony, this will shed more light I think.  

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