Thursday, December 30, 2010

Moving Day

Just spent our last night in New Mexico, Lord willing. My bf came over to be there for me while Jordan and I were going to pack up the Buick with everything we own, but somehow she ended up doing most of the work. LOL. The ant went to work, while the pregnant butterfly laid on the bed and the bumblebee wandered around in between trips to the car trying to plan everything out. (You might not understand this unless you have taken a bug personality quiz lol). So our car is JAM PACKED. Thank God for Jess, she has this talent of making big things fit in tiny corners and crevices. My tummy was hurting and exhaustion took over me while packing (not lifting though, don't worry), so I was so so glad that Jess was there! I had no idea she was even going to help with the packing at all, I just wanted her there for moral support LOL but we see how that changed. We did have to throw away a ton of stuff, (and give away) including all of our food and our furniture.
To sell some things we stuck them outside our door and put a sign on them "Moving, can't bring, $10 leave under the rug. Thanks". Which actually worked for a few of our things we couldn't bring. We just left it outside our door and went on with our day and when we got back there was money under the rug, how convenient. I think I was mostly shocked because people were actually honest, which they could have just taken the stuff and gone but they actually left the money. Anyways, that is probably the worst way to sell your stuff, but we did whatever we could think of, to throw away less.
Last night after we accomplished an empty apartment and the Buick as full as humanly possible, I went to Jess's to spend as much time with her as possible before leaving, while Jordan went to mom's house. I will miss my friend so dearly, but I know He is faithful who is calling us. When I had lost it (in tears) when parting in times past, somehow the Lord always brought us back together again, and Lord willing He will do the same another time. And another, lol. We stayed here at mom's last night in the spare bedroom which she kindly moved her stuff around to give us the pull out bed in there which was a lot nicer than sleeping on the floor or the couches. That was a blessing, especially since we will be driving for twelve hours in a not so comfy car, it was nice to get a good sleep at least.
So my midwife instructed me to stop every two hours and to drink lots of water (not sure if the drinking lots of water is for the swelling as much as it is to make sure we stop: you have to stop a lot if you drink two gallons of water :)). But either way, she said if we sit for more than two hours I have a risk of getting a blood clot, WE WILL BE STOPPING ...LOTS!! And taking turns driving, hoping I can drive a lot of the way because if not I will have car sickness the entire time, ew.
I woke up with many concerns: "we have to buy all of the food and pantry stuff over again, how will we unpack this massive amount of stuff from our car, we still have to go over and get the mattress to bring to our friends house, have to make sure we get the title for the car from mom, gotta call this place, gotta call that place, how will we have the money for all the stuff we will need to buy when we get there, etc, etc, etc." So many earthly worries. I want to think of heavenly things, not earthly things. Doesn't our heavenly Father promise to provide, does He not say to not worry for your life, what you will eat or what you will drink or what you will wear? Yes He does tell me this. Doesn't He tell us not to fear, not to be dismayed? Yes, many many times. Why do I still worry and fret then? I had to get out of bed before the thoughts continued, oh how I wish that the Lord would meet me in those thoughts and stop my mind, bring it to peace like He can do. Sometimes He does, but not always. So I got up and read His Word, wanting to get my mind on things above not things here. What would they profit me? Nothing.
Lord I just lift it all up to You, You are asking us to go, so we are obeying You, please provide miraculously. How we need Your presence, if You don't go with us we have nothing. Please go before us.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Nickie,
    Your blog has been such a blessing to read. I praise God that He used you to encourage and sharpen me :) May God bless you and your growing family! 2 Thess. 2:13
