Thursday, December 30, 2010

Moving Day

Just spent our last night in New Mexico, Lord willing. My bf came over to be there for me while Jordan and I were going to pack up the Buick with everything we own, but somehow she ended up doing most of the work. LOL. The ant went to work, while the pregnant butterfly laid on the bed and the bumblebee wandered around in between trips to the car trying to plan everything out. (You might not understand this unless you have taken a bug personality quiz lol). So our car is JAM PACKED. Thank God for Jess, she has this talent of making big things fit in tiny corners and crevices. My tummy was hurting and exhaustion took over me while packing (not lifting though, don't worry), so I was so so glad that Jess was there! I had no idea she was even going to help with the packing at all, I just wanted her there for moral support LOL but we see how that changed. We did have to throw away a ton of stuff, (and give away) including all of our food and our furniture.
To sell some things we stuck them outside our door and put a sign on them "Moving, can't bring, $10 leave under the rug. Thanks". Which actually worked for a few of our things we couldn't bring. We just left it outside our door and went on with our day and when we got back there was money under the rug, how convenient. I think I was mostly shocked because people were actually honest, which they could have just taken the stuff and gone but they actually left the money. Anyways, that is probably the worst way to sell your stuff, but we did whatever we could think of, to throw away less.
Last night after we accomplished an empty apartment and the Buick as full as humanly possible, I went to Jess's to spend as much time with her as possible before leaving, while Jordan went to mom's house. I will miss my friend so dearly, but I know He is faithful who is calling us. When I had lost it (in tears) when parting in times past, somehow the Lord always brought us back together again, and Lord willing He will do the same another time. And another, lol. We stayed here at mom's last night in the spare bedroom which she kindly moved her stuff around to give us the pull out bed in there which was a lot nicer than sleeping on the floor or the couches. That was a blessing, especially since we will be driving for twelve hours in a not so comfy car, it was nice to get a good sleep at least.
So my midwife instructed me to stop every two hours and to drink lots of water (not sure if the drinking lots of water is for the swelling as much as it is to make sure we stop: you have to stop a lot if you drink two gallons of water :)). But either way, she said if we sit for more than two hours I have a risk of getting a blood clot, WE WILL BE STOPPING ...LOTS!! And taking turns driving, hoping I can drive a lot of the way because if not I will have car sickness the entire time, ew.
I woke up with many concerns: "we have to buy all of the food and pantry stuff over again, how will we unpack this massive amount of stuff from our car, we still have to go over and get the mattress to bring to our friends house, have to make sure we get the title for the car from mom, gotta call this place, gotta call that place, how will we have the money for all the stuff we will need to buy when we get there, etc, etc, etc." So many earthly worries. I want to think of heavenly things, not earthly things. Doesn't our heavenly Father promise to provide, does He not say to not worry for your life, what you will eat or what you will drink or what you will wear? Yes He does tell me this. Doesn't He tell us not to fear, not to be dismayed? Yes, many many times. Why do I still worry and fret then? I had to get out of bed before the thoughts continued, oh how I wish that the Lord would meet me in those thoughts and stop my mind, bring it to peace like He can do. Sometimes He does, but not always. So I got up and read His Word, wanting to get my mind on things above not things here. What would they profit me? Nothing.
Lord I just lift it all up to You, You are asking us to go, so we are obeying You, please provide miraculously. How we need Your presence, if You don't go with us we have nothing. Please go before us.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

After the Traditions of Men

I have been seeking God on some clarity of things, and been studying E-Sword, His Word and commentaries.  I don't want answers from men, I want answers from God.  No commentary from me yet, still seeking.

 Colossians 2:8 Beware lest any man spoil you through philosophy and vain deceit, after the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world, and not after Christ.

"...all doctrines are foreign to Christ that make the worship of God, which we know to be spiritual, according to Christ’s rule, to consist in the elements of the world, and also such as fetter the minds of men by such trifles and frivolities, while Christ calls us directly to himself." -Calvin Commentary

 Colossians 2:14 Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; 
Col 2:15 And having spoiled principalities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. 
Col 2:16 Let no man therefore judge you in meat, or in drink, or in respect of an holyday, or of the new moon, or of the sabbath days: 

"He says, therefore, that it is not in the power of men to make us subject to the observance of rites which Christ has by his death abolished, and exempts us from their yoke, that we may not allow ourselves to be fettered by the laws which they have imposed."-Calvin

 "The apostle speaks here in reference to some particulars of the hand-writing of ordinances, which had been taken away, viz., the distinction of meats and drinks, what was clean and what unclean, according to the law; and the necessity of observing certain holydays or festivals, such as the new moons and particular sabbaths, or those which should be observed with more than ordinary solemnity; all these had been taken out of the way and nailed to the cross, and were no longer of moral obligation."-Clarke Commentary 

Friday, December 24, 2010

Last Day At Abq Hair Studio

Today was a weird one...a sad one.  First, I worked on Christmas Eve, everyone in pjs, which was a nice change from the norm (black).  Second, it was my last day...which I have had my "last day" before at Abq haha, but this will be for good I think this time.  I always come back to Albuquerque but probably not to work again now being a stay at home mama.  But Mason does have his grandparents here so we will be coming back hopefully as much as possible and when we do I will visit the salon again.  I will miss everyone at the salon so much!  Yet, I am excited for the future, since God is leading us away I know it will be filled with HIS blessing.  I had to say my goodbyes today to a lot of people, yet going to do dinner with a few before I leave on the 30th, so it wasn't the final goodbye to all, yet.  And I hope to stop into the salon at least one more time before we leave.  

Paigey and Katie surprised me with a card that everyone signed.  Katie actually had some heartfelt words for me, almost made me tear up reading it, thus the reason I waited til the end of the day to read it (pregnancy makes you emotional already lol).  They also got me a pink shiney piggy bank that says "baby fund" on it.  Some questioned it being pink since the baby is a boy...but Paigey said of course it isn't for the baby, it's for Nickie and obviously it's pink then. They also got me cupcakes which I left at the salon, afraid of being alone with 20 cupcakes lol.  I got pink flowers as well from Paigey and Katie.  Sam got fudge and a card for us all, which I will eat the whole thing probably.  Suzie got me a card and a Christmas ornament as well.  All of that was a blessing.  

It doesn't feel like it was my last day at all.  I remember when Jennah left everyone was super sad and she said it didn't feel like her last day at all, so she remained normal.  Now I understand the feeling.  Things have to sink in for a bit for it to really dawn on me.  Usually that is how it works with me.  I am so so glad that I came back to work there, I made some close friends while I came back, it was a great experience.  Some unlikely friendships formed as well, haha.  I hope to stay in touch with everyone.  If anyone is in ABQ I refer you to ABQ Hair Studio. :)  That is all.     

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Christmas History and Origin.

Started in Rome, pagan origin.  There are biblical origins of Christmas obviously when Christ the Son of God was born.  But centuries before the birth of Christ there was Yule, the winter solstice.  They brought in logs and evergreens to prove that life existed in struggling times.  The evergreen is impervious to the coming of winter and diminishing of the sun.  The yule log burned for 12 days-feasting and revelry reigned.    In Germany the pagan God Oden lent his name to the winter holiday.  Oden decided who would prosper and who would perish in the coming years.  It was a frightening time of the year so people stayed inside.  

In Rome the winter festivals were just as hectic, a month long orgie of food and drink, after a god they worshiped, a time of turning the social order upside down with revelry.  They celebrated the children of Rome as well, children had their place in the drunken celebrations. Rome worshiped the sun-god Mithrah, the holiest day of the year, December 25th, the birthday of Mithrah.  A new religion was taking hold though.  Christians did not celebrate December 25th, but the holy birth became impossible to ignore.  

The bible does not say when the exact date of when Christ was born , but most likely it was in the spring (when the shepherds were out watching their flocks by night).  Mithrah was already being celebrated so they then declared the feast day of the nativity to honor Jesus as well.  The sun-god celebration was about fertility so it made sense then for the church to adopt the celebration for themselves.  The church gave up the ways in which that celebration would be done when they declared the nativity birth December 25th just like the Mithrah celebration.  

By the middle ages in Europe Christianity had largely replaced the old pagan celebrations.  They made Christ-mass in the church.  But out in the streets it was still very Halloween-like.  Much like a carnival.  Brawling drunken villagers, engaging in orgies, and a beggar was put on spot light to be head over all.  The poor would bang on the doors of the rich and they would take the best food, beer, best of everything.  If they did not give them anything they would perform a trick (must like Halloween).  This was how the celebrations of Christmas were.  One Christmas song says that if you don't give us what we want down will come butler bowl and all.  

Religious reforms swept through England in the 17th century.  Led by Oliver Cromwell.   They vowed to take away all Christmas celebrations.  The people never really stopped celebrating it, they did so underground.  The monarchy was restored with Charles the 2nd, they could live without a king but not without Christmas.  They brought back the carousals and rituals.   

The puritans in 1620 in Massachusetts they were very Orthodox so 1659 they followed English brethren by outlawing Christmas, fining anyone who celebrated it.  But still it never stopped underground.   

All things English fell out of favor in America.  But people wanted to populate the calendar, they wanted holidays.  They worked hard and wanted celebration.  America then invented their own Christmas, reinventing Christmas for the whole world.    NY 1820 New York had become the main commerce, making the poor very obvious.  Industrial capitalism was beginning.  The menace became very obvious, by 1820s the Christmas season was a time of rioting.  The upper class was worried so changed the way the holiday was celebrated.  Imaginary stories began to be popular including Dickins with the Christmas Carol, making the image of inviting peasants to celebrate with the rich.  They had fears of inequality at this time.  So the themes are set around this.  19th century Americans were rediscovering Christmas.  The family was designed to have the children work hard, but then all of a sudden the family became a children's nursery so that they could grow up sensitive and in touch with family and the world itself.  People started to invent quality time from Christmas, the joy of presents and spoiling children with an excuse.  The old pagan revelry was clearly out of the question, but some traditions were thought to be good to bring back like the evergreen tree on the table but became a large evergreen tree to gather around.  The custom began to be adopted by every home, a decorated Christmas tree, thinking it was the way it always had been when really it just began in England.  It was the way it was done in Germany years before, and now English were doing it too.  They then brought back the mistletoe and every other thing you see we use in Christmas.  Christmas songs began to be put in the churches.  The lay people began to expect it in every church service no matter Catholic or Protestant.  

One Christmas icon was developed right here in America, Santa Clause.  There was Saint Nicholas a Greek orthodox bishop who became one of the most popular saints of the middle ages, long before Santa Clause.  Good children woke to gifts from the kindly saint but bad children woke to nothing.  Dutch brought with them stories of Saint Nick.  So they came up with dreamed up reindeer and Santa coming down the chimney.  By Clement Moore.  Every child began to scan the horizon for Santa Clause.  1863 Thomas Nass made Santa look like a round jolly man of his times.  Instead of taking from the less fortunate, he gave to the less fortunate and gets rid of wealth yearly.  Santa Clause provided a way for children and parents to see buying gifts as not a commerce type of thing but a good fuzzy selfless thing.  Santa has been showing up in department stores since 1800s.  Montgomery Ward department store then came up with a reindeer with a big red nose to boost their sales at Christmas time.  Rudolph really enhanced Christmas sales and celebration.  Christmas was a battle fought and won by kids.  By 1920s the only thing left like a carnival was the Christmas parade.  By 1950s Christmas was a family affair. A load of presents and eggnog which gets its origin from gogg which was rum, but most just thought it was the sweet egg drink.  

The buying frenzy totally takes out the birth of the Christ-child.  The children grow up not realizing what the real meaning is.  It has become less family and Gift oriented, more about commercialism and materialism.  There is a struggle of what the real meaning is.  It is a combination of secular and religious.   

Why do we hold onto traditions?  Just because it is how we grew up?  There is a nostalgia about the holidays.  But what are we celebrating?  Are we celebrating the Christ who has come to the world to save us?  Is He even the reason for the season when the Christmas celebration started years before Christ was even born?  Is it best to just say, oh it doesn't matter how it began, we will just celebrate His birth as if He were the reason anyways?  Very interesting to look into some of this and re-examine some of these things we take so lightly because it is what we have always done.   

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Mason Hungry!

Earlier today Jordan and I were at the apartment playing Skip-Bo, yes we are 85 years old. That's right. Anyways, I was starving, because every few days I am struck with extreme hunger, when other days I don't feel like anything else can fit besides Mason in there. So my plan was to eat, but Jordan and I were talking about something really important so it got delayed. We were talking on the bed, I was lying down and my stomach was making THE LOUDEST growling noises I have ever heard come from anyone's tummy. I felt like I was starving but didn't say anything and didn't need to, my stomach has a voice of it's own. So we continued to ignore the hunger sounds coming from Mason's domain. Then Mason starts kicking and probably punching, I am not sure, I just felt tons of movement. Maybe he was knocking on the wall saying "Hello, can I get some food down here, Mommy?" Then all of a sudden my tummy went from being perfectly round lying there on my back to craziness. It looked like something was reaching for the sky on the left side of my tummy while the right side was flattened out because of the left side's impact. It raised up like 3-4 inches just on the left side. Haha. Jordan and I just started cracking up, "Omgosh what is he doing!!" It felt like he was just pushing up and to the left, trying to escape. "Mom, Dad, you guys can stay here and have a boring talk while I go get myself something to eat if you won't!!!"-Mason. It was quite hilarious, he was pulling me by my tummy to the kitchen. (Btw I don't make a habit of not eating or anything even remotely close to that, I eat every two hours lol so I don't know why he thought he was going to starve and had to go after the food himself, but he did and that's okay.) Of course I got up then and made myself some food for him, then he was a happy little camper.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Leaving New Mexico on the 30th of December...9 days...going to Texas to live.  Just J, Mason, I and the car.  Kind of exciting, I am looking forward to the move.  But on the other hand, leaving my job, everyone I work with, leaving my community group, church, best friend, and mom &step dad.  Doesn't sound like the easiest path to go in right?  It's not, but it's where the Lord is leading us, so we must go.  I know there will be many difficulties and trials, but I also know the One who will see us through it all is faithful to the end.  Trusting Him is the best thing that a man could do.  

Going into this decision of leaving was totally by faith, thinking we have no idea where the provision is going to come from or what that will look like, but we go anyways.  God, we trust You.  Now after a few weeks we found a store close who actually needs a shift lead!  Jordan is transferring to a store only 6 miles from our new apt in which we are accepted into with only a 150 dollar payment to move in, which is extremely low.  Praise the Lord!!       

I am so sad to leave my bf and all the girls I have become close with here through the church etc.  As well as those I work with who I have gotten pretty close with over the months, very sad to leave them and I will miss them so much.  But at the same time I am excited and hopeful for our future and to see what the Lord will do.  Also to be able to stay home now that my third trimester is a week away and home with Mason will be amazing.  Quick update, gtg God bless.

Sunday, December 19, 2010


Yesterday we got to do some Christmas baking at mom's house. It was pretty much mostly mom and I doing the baking. Lol. I went over at 11:30 to start up the baking with mom. Jess came over at two-ish, and Jordan got out of work getting there at 3. Mom and I had our aprons on all ready and into it, even though it really wasn't that hard of work or anything lol. We cleared out the freezer and pantry basically, if that was our goal:accomplished. Haha.

We made elf hats (round pretzels set out on cookie sheet, Hershey kisses set inside each one, put in oven at 200 for only 2-3 minutes, take out of oven, and place M&M's one on each Hershey's kiss pressing kisses down flatter with the M&Ms). We also made puppy chow (Rice and Corn Chex cereal in a tub then cooking in pan peanut butter, sugar, chocolate chips all melted together til you can stir it easily, pour over chex then put powdered sugar in tub with top on and shake up)=Delicious. We also made gluten free peanut butter cookies (for my Jessica lol), peanut butter fudge (peanut butter is wonderful), and sugar cookies we still have yet to frost lol.
A day of food and then feeling disgusting, next time definitely eating less and doing my stomach a favor.

Now J and I just got home from church. The Lord definitely speaking to my heart on some things, contemplating them in my heart for now so they can get sorted out then maybe I will blog about them some time :).

Now we are resting, talking to a brother on the phone, doing Christmas cards, eating left-overs, reading pregnancy book (me not J haha), and praying. This is our day :) it's very relaxing. Wish there were more of these.

So I have 4 more days left of work!!! A little excited, a little sad, but excited for our move, excited for being a stay-at-home mommy, what I have wanted to be since I can remember :). Still thinking about and researching some of the things that go into mommy decisions for baby. I cannot wait to meet Mason Justus :).
That is all I have. :P

Friday, December 17, 2010


Here I am bright and early this time. It is Jordan's birthday today so surprised him with a ridiculous card and his favorite Aveda products for his hair :). Last night we went to a Christmas party for a ABQ Christian Children's Home with my whole community group-amazing people I will miss so so much when we move to Texas. There are lots of little ones in the community group so it's nice to be with families and hold babies since we are having one soon. A few young ladies I have gotten pretty close with over the past months, hoping to be able to keep in contact with them still. Anyways,
So I got medicaid the first month I was pregnant, had my card to my appt, so after three appts at Lovelace I went to the next one and they said, "Oh, you don't have medicaid anymore, sorry if you go to the appt it is going to be $150." I was like "Uh I have my card and everything how is that possible?" So they sent me down to the medicaid office, and they had NO copy of our forms or papers AT ALL that we filled out to even get medicaid in the first place. So...we had to go home and get all the info again and fill out the forms and get it back up to them. So they said it would be 30-40 days but they would put a rush on it since they messed up. Well four months later we still didn't have it, and Lovelace told me that if I don't have medicaid then all my appts I would have to pay for....(impossible for us) I moved to UNM instead because I hear great things about them and their doctors and midwives and the fact that they don't turn people away. So going to appts at UNM while waiting for medicaid to still go through, we call them because four months seems way too long, and they say the pay stubs we sent them are not good enough, they need another month's we send those in too...and yet taking forever! At this point I am thinking, if I don't get this before we have to move then there is no way any of our appts and ultrasounds will have been paid for (UNM told me that medicaid once you are accepted will back track and pay all previous visits :)). So a little scary still not being accepted and like two weeks til we leave!! Well, I get a letter from my midwife saying to call her asap, the phone number which they confirmed 12 times lol to be correct didnt work? So I call her and she tells me my lab results came back and I have an infection and need to get antibiotics. So I am thinking, okay we need these but for fifty dollars is a lot since I still don't have medicaid!! But she calls them in and we go to pick them up, on the way just praying God please please please let the medicaid go through right now!!! (God knows our budget and what money we don't have lol) we get there and they are about to get my medicine rung up and ask if I have insurance. I am like, uh I don't know, can you check if medicaid went through yet? As of yesterday we don't have it.... so she checks on her computer and IT WENT THROUGH!! PERFECT TIMING!!! FREE MEDICINE PRAISE GOD!!! So there was definitely a reason that they were using the right number for me (my midwife) and couldn't get through for a few weeks, because if she would have gotten ahold of me earlier we would have had to pay full price, but since it was delayed a little a few hours before that medicaid finally went through so we are totally taken care of :)))). Another reason I think it took so long, so God could show Himself faithful that HE WILL provide ALL OF OUR NEEDS WHEN WE NEED THEM.
Now we just have to reapply and all that when we get to Texas haha, but at least the last 5 1/2 months have been covered now:).
I am two weeks away from my third trimester, which everyone tells me the second trimester is the BEST, and they hated the third, so not really looking forward to that haha. But at least I won't be working, and at the apt hopefully I will be able to work out and keep healthy and just read a lot and rest which is necessary in the third trimester I am going into.
That is all. :) God bless.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Mason Justus and Mommy

Pregnant, Moving, God Faithful

I've got back aches, ligament stretching pains, exhaustion, you don't want to know the rest, I will spare you the details :). It's wonderful...this pregnancy It really is, just to feel Mason moving is amazing and completely worth it all. And to know God gave me life inside me, wow. Jordan is wonderful through all of it as well, so if I wake up at three in the morning with terrible ligament pain, he jumps up and is ready to get me whatever I need.

I have many concerns about moving, though I can't sort through all of them in my head most of the time. But Jordan handles all of those concerns and is taking care of everything I need, we need. As for the job: Jordan's store has been contacting surrounding stores there where we will be living. Turns out there is a store 6 miles away from the apartment who needs a shift lead (what Jordan is, and might I add very difficult to come across a store who actually needs one). Hoping that if at all possible he could get morning shifts so that he could serve in the evening as well. We will see. Concerning the apartment: they've approved everything for us and just waiting on them to call our employers to confirm we do work there, that should be easy. This apartment will be perfect for lil' Mason and myself with a washer and dryer in unit, pretty excited about that. No going up and down stairs, hauling baby and laundry all at once :). Lord willing the details will keep working out and we see the Lord faithful to us.

I am listening to my favorite singer in the world, Shawn McDonald. So much has happened in the last six years between Michigan, New Jersey, Indiana, California, and New Mexico. When I hear the lyrics sung in his songs it takes me back to a lot of what the Lord has brought me through over these years, some good, some terrible, all necessary and a part of His plan. Dancing at 2 in the morning in an empty field with just worship music in my ears underneath the moonlight, may sound a little weird and kiddish but God is romantic believe it or not. Memories of where my heart would be broken and He would bring in one of my close friends to speak His Words of comfort and love. Or God would show me Himself that He is near the brokenhearted. He feels closer in the worst heart wrenching situations actually. It gives comfort to look back on some of it, not looking to the past to just look back, not at all, more to look back and see His faithfulness. The best kind of nostalgia. To remember times passed where HE was THERE. Either to deliver me out of a mess or to be with me in the mess.

"Whom have I in heaven but Thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire besides Thee. My flesh and my heart faileth; but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." Psalm 73:25-26

Monday, December 13, 2010

I Love Mason Justus

So I mentioned little Mason, but didn't say much else about him. It was a surprise pregnancy, he was an unplanned little guy, but he is still here. He is 10-12 inches long right now, he is very active, and during the ultrasound he was an obvious boy, so that makes his daddy proud of course. He is perfectly healthy; so far so good. I have been able to feel him moving about in there for a few weeks now, but only recently did he start showing himself to the outside world. He was being rambunctious in there the other day and i set my hand on my belly and POW! he kicked my hand. So I grabbed Jordan's hand and put in on my belly, and of course Mason kicked the opposite side of where his hand was so I moved his hand to where he last kicked and he did it again. So now both hands covering the whole belly, and he felt a kick. Then another. Then Jordan decided to put his head against my tummy and he of course got kicked in the face. The only time in little Mason's life where kicking daddy in the face will be an exciting and encouraged event.

Even though we weren't expecting a little guy so quick to come into the world, I would not change a thing, I want this baby more than anything. When we first got married if you would have asked me, how would you feel becoming pregnant right now, I would have probably had a heart attack at the thought because we wanted to wait a while. But now asking myself, would you still want to wait if you could take it back. Never. I want Mason more now than ever and cannot wait to see his little face Lord willing.

Thank You God for Your timing which is perfect, I know there is a purpose and reason for everything, especially timing to such an important thing. I pray that You would protect and provide for our little family, that You would lead us and let us be closer to You through all the craziness that is questionable right now. May these hard times just be necessary for what You have planned that is better than we could imagine. Thank You Lord.

God Calls Us

My first post even though I made this blog what seems like forever ago.

I am married, going on 7 months, yes- newlyweds still. Best part is we are pregnant, 6 months pregnant almost. Gotta love the humor God has in it all. You would think things would still be semi-easy. Having a nice job, home, security, settling down for a baby coming soon. Nope, God is moving us to Texas, not sure what the job will be, not sure about the home, not sure if security will ever be a luxury really. But maybe that is the way God wants to make us dependable on just Him. We move the end of December, it is the middle of December right now. No moving truck, that is too much money, instead just packing up the car with whatever will fit and going to a place I have never been. There has got to be some reason for Texas right, if not for a job?

Well, there is a church there filled with men who seem to love my husband with the love of God, through thick and thin, unlike most Christian men he has come across. They seem to be really genuine though I still have my doubts and concerns. They seem to be living out the bible really in the Spirit of God, precious Spirit of God I might add to be so merciful to us mere men. Some have told me that the reason they can serve God without distraction seemingly is because they are single, no family. Well, that statement really bothers me, as if because we have families we cannot serve God and know Him without distraction. That we need more time to do this. Not true, I think it is how we choose to spend the time God gives. Because we have families does this mean the television must numb our minds at all times? Because we have families does this mean that material goods should overtake our conversation where there is no room for heavenly conversation? I have yet to see the Lord let us be a family who serves Him and is wholeheartedly serving Him, but I believe He can do it. It's His desire as well as ours.

We both think this is the direction the Lord is leading us. Without answers to our greatest concerns, without plans really, we still prepare the best we know how, we are still just trusting by faith the God of the Universe, Jehovah Jireh.

Mason Justus agrees with my typings right now, he is kicking and moving around in there while I type as if he is putting his two-sense in as well.

Anyways, many have counseled us to stay here where we will be able to have Jordan be in the police force (a stable income job, the only one really that can support a family without requiring a bachelors in something). Now I am not sure how to respond to the counsel honestly. In a sense I understand when they say this is not wise to do, go to Texas, since we don't have a job there. Yes that part scares me too! But we are hoping to transfer, we are hoping to find a restaurant that pays good for Jordan to bring in the bacon and provide for his family. But the best we can do is make sure we are applying everywhere possible and pray God is the one who finds the job. The best job for us. HE IS THE ONE MOVING US OUT THERE... pretty sure He is capable of having a plan. Now is it wisdom to say that it is a bad idea to move out there just because God is telling us to, I mean what about a job? It is wisdom...but what kind of wisdom? Is is worldly wisdom or godly wisdom? Isn't the best way to provide for your family to follow where you feel the Lord of the Earth is leading you? What if we were to ignore God's leading and just say, no God, I have to have a good job to support my family, I cannot afford to follow You right now? Is that not just like Luke 14:15-24 where they are invited but they have excuses? One about the farm animals (their job) another about their wife they just married. Is there any reason to think we can provide better for ourselves outside of the will of God? God asked Abraham to go off to a foreign land, no plans, no seeming provision, nothing, just GO. Does God not still lead His people in this way?

Some things to think about. God, "O keep my soul, deliver me, let me not be ashamed, for I put my trust in Thee." Psalm 25:20