Friday, December 17, 2010


Here I am bright and early this time. It is Jordan's birthday today so surprised him with a ridiculous card and his favorite Aveda products for his hair :). Last night we went to a Christmas party for a ABQ Christian Children's Home with my whole community group-amazing people I will miss so so much when we move to Texas. There are lots of little ones in the community group so it's nice to be with families and hold babies since we are having one soon. A few young ladies I have gotten pretty close with over the past months, hoping to be able to keep in contact with them still. Anyways,
So I got medicaid the first month I was pregnant, had my card to my appt, so after three appts at Lovelace I went to the next one and they said, "Oh, you don't have medicaid anymore, sorry if you go to the appt it is going to be $150." I was like "Uh I have my card and everything how is that possible?" So they sent me down to the medicaid office, and they had NO copy of our forms or papers AT ALL that we filled out to even get medicaid in the first place. So...we had to go home and get all the info again and fill out the forms and get it back up to them. So they said it would be 30-40 days but they would put a rush on it since they messed up. Well four months later we still didn't have it, and Lovelace told me that if I don't have medicaid then all my appts I would have to pay for....(impossible for us) I moved to UNM instead because I hear great things about them and their doctors and midwives and the fact that they don't turn people away. So going to appts at UNM while waiting for medicaid to still go through, we call them because four months seems way too long, and they say the pay stubs we sent them are not good enough, they need another month's we send those in too...and yet taking forever! At this point I am thinking, if I don't get this before we have to move then there is no way any of our appts and ultrasounds will have been paid for (UNM told me that medicaid once you are accepted will back track and pay all previous visits :)). So a little scary still not being accepted and like two weeks til we leave!! Well, I get a letter from my midwife saying to call her asap, the phone number which they confirmed 12 times lol to be correct didnt work? So I call her and she tells me my lab results came back and I have an infection and need to get antibiotics. So I am thinking, okay we need these but for fifty dollars is a lot since I still don't have medicaid!! But she calls them in and we go to pick them up, on the way just praying God please please please let the medicaid go through right now!!! (God knows our budget and what money we don't have lol) we get there and they are about to get my medicine rung up and ask if I have insurance. I am like, uh I don't know, can you check if medicaid went through yet? As of yesterday we don't have it.... so she checks on her computer and IT WENT THROUGH!! PERFECT TIMING!!! FREE MEDICINE PRAISE GOD!!! So there was definitely a reason that they were using the right number for me (my midwife) and couldn't get through for a few weeks, because if she would have gotten ahold of me earlier we would have had to pay full price, but since it was delayed a little a few hours before that medicaid finally went through so we are totally taken care of :)))). Another reason I think it took so long, so God could show Himself faithful that HE WILL provide ALL OF OUR NEEDS WHEN WE NEED THEM.
Now we just have to reapply and all that when we get to Texas haha, but at least the last 5 1/2 months have been covered now:).
I am two weeks away from my third trimester, which everyone tells me the second trimester is the BEST, and they hated the third, so not really looking forward to that haha. But at least I won't be working, and at the apt hopefully I will be able to work out and keep healthy and just read a lot and rest which is necessary in the third trimester I am going into.
That is all. :) God bless.

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