Friday, December 24, 2010

Last Day At Abq Hair Studio

Today was a weird one...a sad one.  First, I worked on Christmas Eve, everyone in pjs, which was a nice change from the norm (black).  Second, it was my last day...which I have had my "last day" before at Abq haha, but this will be for good I think this time.  I always come back to Albuquerque but probably not to work again now being a stay at home mama.  But Mason does have his grandparents here so we will be coming back hopefully as much as possible and when we do I will visit the salon again.  I will miss everyone at the salon so much!  Yet, I am excited for the future, since God is leading us away I know it will be filled with HIS blessing.  I had to say my goodbyes today to a lot of people, yet going to do dinner with a few before I leave on the 30th, so it wasn't the final goodbye to all, yet.  And I hope to stop into the salon at least one more time before we leave.  

Paigey and Katie surprised me with a card that everyone signed.  Katie actually had some heartfelt words for me, almost made me tear up reading it, thus the reason I waited til the end of the day to read it (pregnancy makes you emotional already lol).  They also got me a pink shiney piggy bank that says "baby fund" on it.  Some questioned it being pink since the baby is a boy...but Paigey said of course it isn't for the baby, it's for Nickie and obviously it's pink then. They also got me cupcakes which I left at the salon, afraid of being alone with 20 cupcakes lol.  I got pink flowers as well from Paigey and Katie.  Sam got fudge and a card for us all, which I will eat the whole thing probably.  Suzie got me a card and a Christmas ornament as well.  All of that was a blessing.  

It doesn't feel like it was my last day at all.  I remember when Jennah left everyone was super sad and she said it didn't feel like her last day at all, so she remained normal.  Now I understand the feeling.  Things have to sink in for a bit for it to really dawn on me.  Usually that is how it works with me.  I am so so glad that I came back to work there, I made some close friends while I came back, it was a great experience.  Some unlikely friendships formed as well, haha.  I hope to stay in touch with everyone.  If anyone is in ABQ I refer you to ABQ Hair Studio. :)  That is all.     

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