Sunday, December 19, 2010


Yesterday we got to do some Christmas baking at mom's house. It was pretty much mostly mom and I doing the baking. Lol. I went over at 11:30 to start up the baking with mom. Jess came over at two-ish, and Jordan got out of work getting there at 3. Mom and I had our aprons on all ready and into it, even though it really wasn't that hard of work or anything lol. We cleared out the freezer and pantry basically, if that was our goal:accomplished. Haha.

We made elf hats (round pretzels set out on cookie sheet, Hershey kisses set inside each one, put in oven at 200 for only 2-3 minutes, take out of oven, and place M&M's one on each Hershey's kiss pressing kisses down flatter with the M&Ms). We also made puppy chow (Rice and Corn Chex cereal in a tub then cooking in pan peanut butter, sugar, chocolate chips all melted together til you can stir it easily, pour over chex then put powdered sugar in tub with top on and shake up)=Delicious. We also made gluten free peanut butter cookies (for my Jessica lol), peanut butter fudge (peanut butter is wonderful), and sugar cookies we still have yet to frost lol.
A day of food and then feeling disgusting, next time definitely eating less and doing my stomach a favor.

Now J and I just got home from church. The Lord definitely speaking to my heart on some things, contemplating them in my heart for now so they can get sorted out then maybe I will blog about them some time :).

Now we are resting, talking to a brother on the phone, doing Christmas cards, eating left-overs, reading pregnancy book (me not J haha), and praying. This is our day :) it's very relaxing. Wish there were more of these.

So I have 4 more days left of work!!! A little excited, a little sad, but excited for our move, excited for being a stay-at-home mommy, what I have wanted to be since I can remember :). Still thinking about and researching some of the things that go into mommy decisions for baby. I cannot wait to meet Mason Justus :).
That is all I have. :P

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