Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Leaving New Mexico on the 30th of December...9 days...going to Texas to live.  Just J, Mason, I and the car.  Kind of exciting, I am looking forward to the move.  But on the other hand, leaving my job, everyone I work with, leaving my community group, church, best friend, and mom &step dad.  Doesn't sound like the easiest path to go in right?  It's not, but it's where the Lord is leading us, so we must go.  I know there will be many difficulties and trials, but I also know the One who will see us through it all is faithful to the end.  Trusting Him is the best thing that a man could do.  

Going into this decision of leaving was totally by faith, thinking we have no idea where the provision is going to come from or what that will look like, but we go anyways.  God, we trust You.  Now after a few weeks we found a store close who actually needs a shift lead!  Jordan is transferring to a store only 6 miles from our new apt in which we are accepted into with only a 150 dollar payment to move in, which is extremely low.  Praise the Lord!!       

I am so sad to leave my bf and all the girls I have become close with here through the church etc.  As well as those I work with who I have gotten pretty close with over the months, very sad to leave them and I will miss them so much.  But at the same time I am excited and hopeful for our future and to see what the Lord will do.  Also to be able to stay home now that my third trimester is a week away and home with Mason will be amazing.  Quick update, gtg God bless.

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