Monday, December 13, 2010

I Love Mason Justus

So I mentioned little Mason, but didn't say much else about him. It was a surprise pregnancy, he was an unplanned little guy, but he is still here. He is 10-12 inches long right now, he is very active, and during the ultrasound he was an obvious boy, so that makes his daddy proud of course. He is perfectly healthy; so far so good. I have been able to feel him moving about in there for a few weeks now, but only recently did he start showing himself to the outside world. He was being rambunctious in there the other day and i set my hand on my belly and POW! he kicked my hand. So I grabbed Jordan's hand and put in on my belly, and of course Mason kicked the opposite side of where his hand was so I moved his hand to where he last kicked and he did it again. So now both hands covering the whole belly, and he felt a kick. Then another. Then Jordan decided to put his head against my tummy and he of course got kicked in the face. The only time in little Mason's life where kicking daddy in the face will be an exciting and encouraged event.

Even though we weren't expecting a little guy so quick to come into the world, I would not change a thing, I want this baby more than anything. When we first got married if you would have asked me, how would you feel becoming pregnant right now, I would have probably had a heart attack at the thought because we wanted to wait a while. But now asking myself, would you still want to wait if you could take it back. Never. I want Mason more now than ever and cannot wait to see his little face Lord willing.

Thank You God for Your timing which is perfect, I know there is a purpose and reason for everything, especially timing to such an important thing. I pray that You would protect and provide for our little family, that You would lead us and let us be closer to You through all the craziness that is questionable right now. May these hard times just be necessary for what You have planned that is better than we could imagine. Thank You Lord.

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