Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Pregnant, Moving, God Faithful

I've got back aches, ligament stretching pains, exhaustion, you don't want to know the rest, I will spare you the details :). It's wonderful...this pregnancy life...lol. It really is, just to feel Mason moving is amazing and completely worth it all. And to know God gave me life inside me, wow. Jordan is wonderful through all of it as well, so if I wake up at three in the morning with terrible ligament pain, he jumps up and is ready to get me whatever I need.

I have many concerns about moving, though I can't sort through all of them in my head most of the time. But Jordan handles all of those concerns and is taking care of everything I need, we need. As for the job: Jordan's store has been contacting surrounding stores there where we will be living. Turns out there is a store 6 miles away from the apartment who needs a shift lead (what Jordan is, and might I add very difficult to come across a store who actually needs one). Hoping that if at all possible he could get morning shifts so that he could serve in the evening as well. We will see. Concerning the apartment: they've approved everything for us and just waiting on them to call our employers to confirm we do work there, that should be easy. This apartment will be perfect for lil' Mason and myself with a washer and dryer in unit, pretty excited about that. No going up and down stairs, hauling baby and laundry all at once :). Lord willing the details will keep working out and we see the Lord faithful to us.

I am listening to my favorite singer in the world, Shawn McDonald. So much has happened in the last six years between Michigan, New Jersey, Indiana, California, and New Mexico. When I hear the lyrics sung in his songs it takes me back to a lot of what the Lord has brought me through over these years, some good, some terrible, all necessary and a part of His plan. Dancing at 2 in the morning in an empty field with just worship music in my ears underneath the moonlight, may sound a little weird and kiddish but God is romantic believe it or not. Memories of where my heart would be broken and He would bring in one of my close friends to speak His Words of comfort and love. Or God would show me Himself that He is near the brokenhearted. He feels closer in the worst heart wrenching situations actually. It gives comfort to look back on some of it, not looking to the past to just look back, not at all, more to look back and see His faithfulness. The best kind of nostalgia. To remember times passed where HE was THERE. Either to deliver me out of a mess or to be with me in the mess.

"Whom have I in heaven but Thee? and there is none upon earth that I desire besides Thee. My flesh and my heart faileth; but God is the strength of my heart and my portion forever." Psalm 73:25-26

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